When the time comes to start sending the kids to daycare, one of the first concerns that many parents have is 'how do I keep my child safe and healthy?', especially when they'll be interacting and playing with many new kids. Children will often put dirty hands and toys in their mouths and touch their eyes, which can lead to colds or respiratory infections, pink eye, strep throat, and other common 'daycare illnesses'. While it's inevitable that your child will get sick from time to time, there are measures you can take to help keep the current daycare stomach bug away!
Choosing a daycare that enforces an immunization policy, and requires vaccine records for children, helps to decrease the likelihood that your child will be exposed to severe illnesses early on. It's also essential to keep your child up to date on their vaccinations as well, including specific types of pneumonia, meningitis, and rotavirus.
Fostering a strong immune system starts in the home, including how your child eats, sleeps, and stays clean! A diet rich in antioxidants is recommended for children, both for their growth development and for building their immune system. Antioxidants may help to protect cells in our bodies from damage they sustain as we go about our daily routines.
Their sleep patterns and hygienic habits also play a critical role. Proper sleep allows the body the time it needs to rest and restore, as children take in a vast amount of information each day while their bodies are growing at a rapid rate. Basic hygiene habits, such as bathing, washing their hands, and brushing their teeth, are simple yet effective ways to prevent the transfer and overexposure of bacteria.
Whether your child takes a favorite toy or other object to daycare with them, or they play with other toys as soon as they come home, germs will transfer regardless. Keeping your child's toys clean and properly sanitized can help reduce the likelihood of them getting sick at home and taking the illness to daycare, or bringing illness home with them. Toys, stuffed animals, pacifiers, blankets, and other objects should be washed regularly.
Wonder Years Child Care & Learning Center is a daycare and preschool that provides after school programs and child care services to families in Fayetteville and Spring Lake, NC. For more tips on how to keep your child safe and healthy as they start to attend daycare, or for more information about our services, contact our staff today!
6340 Cliffdale Rd., Fayetteville, NC 28314 | (910) 241-0725 || 216 Anderson Creek Dr., Spring Lake, NC 28390 | (910) 319-1407 | Sitemap
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.